Hunts for every budget.

There are three types of hunters: (1) those who can’t afford to go on a dream hunt, (2) those who can, and (3) those who don’t realize they can.

We’ve been each of these hunters at one point or another, and not in the order you’d expect. Today, our calling is to assist those in group (3). Whether you think you can’t afford a specific hunt, or you think you can’t afford ANY hunt, give us the chance to prove you wrong.

The camps below are partnerships with regular landowners, freelance guides, or outfitters who happen to have the best rates in the biz. They’re the results of decades hunting on skeleton budgets and networking with fellow hunters across the globe. We’re not mere brokers here at Blue Marlin Expeditions. We’ll be in camp with you earning our salt, whether we’re guiding, scouting, or simply running the camp services.

Our camp model is all-inclusive, so you never have to worry about hidden fees. You simply book your airfare, and we’ll handle the rest: transportation, lodging, meals, drinks, guiding, trophy fees, camp gear, etc. We cook your meals farm-to-table with a focus on game harvested, and it’s all seasoned with the world’s best sea salt (Blue Marlin Sea Salt). With few exceptions, you’ll only need to provide personal clothing and snacks.


  • New Caledonia Rusa Camp

    Hunt this South Pacific island for free range Javan Rusa Deer. We believe this is the best exotic deer hunt in the world, and it’s a great use of the summer off-season. You’ll also pursue the South Pacific wild turkey (Gould/Rio hybrid), Indian Peafowl (peacock), wild boar, feral goat, and more.

    Starting at $3,500 per hunter for (1) Rusa, (1) Peacock/Turkey
    5-day hunt

  • Ireland Sika Camp

    We offer this hunt through Jim Nolan of Glacial Valley Outfitters. Jim is truly one of the good guys, and his prices are so reasonable that all we add to his package is transport, lunches, and touring. Come hunt breathtaking scenery with some of the world’s friendliest people for sika bigger than any in Maryland.

    Starting at $5,750 per hunter for (1) Sika/Red/Hybrid Stag
    4-day hunt ; 2×1
    [September - February]

  • Tajikistan Ibex Camp

    This hunt should be on every able-bodied hunter’s bucket list. You’ll get more adventure crammed into a nine-day schedule than a month of other hunts. Ibex, wolf, jackal, and wild boar are all plentiful in this section of the Tian Shan mountains. Ben will join you in camp as translator, spotter and all-around “fixer”.

    Starting at $8,500 per hunter for (1) Ibex
    9-day hunt
    [October - January]

  • Canada Bear Camp

    Canadian black bears over bait are notoriously fickle, but these local hunters have a 66% success rate on bears up to 450 lbs and shot opportunity is well over 75%. Camp is very conveniently located to East Coast hunters at less than 15 hours from Richmond, Virginia. Great butchering facilities allow us to have your meat freezer-ready for the drive home.

    Starting at $2,500 per hunter for (1) Black Bear
    5-day hunt

  • East Cape Fallow Camp

    Want to target truly free-ranging fallow deer during the rut, but don’t want to pay a sliding scale fee? Just go to South Africa’s East Cape, where a large population of fallow have roamed wild for over 150 years. These bucks aren’t massive trophies, but there are plenty in the 2.5-3.5 kg range and the hunt is as honest as it gets.

    Starting at $2,750 per hunter for (2) fallow bucks
    4-day hunt
    [March - April]

  • Coming Soon

    We plan to add a new international camp every year. In the meantime, we can explore anywhere you’d like through our custom camps.


  • Virginia Mixed Bag Camp

    Our original family and friends camp we’ve run for 15+ years. The focus will be on whitetail does up to 150 lbs, but we’ll supplement with waterfowl, upland, predators, or trapping to make sure you go home with a mixed bag. Great way to fill the freezer!

    Starting at $1000 per hunter
    3-day hunt

  • Virginia Sea Duck Camp

    We aren’t blessed with a wide variety of puddle ducks here on the seaside of the Eastern Shore, but we make up for it with some of the best hunting for black ducks, sea ducks, mergansers, and brant. Only 2 camps offered per year to ensure our spots always produce.

    Starting at $1,250 per hunter
    3-day hunt

  • Virginia Predator & Trapping Camp

    Very high red fox numbers with huge eastern coyotes of every color phase make for great hunting with thermal scopes. Daytime hours will be spent checking traplines for fox, raccoon, muskrat, and mink. We have great bobcat spots 2 hours south of lodging

    Starting at $1,000 per hunter
    3-day hunt

  • Virginia Snow Goose Camp

    Hundreds of thousands of snow geese descend on the Eastern Shore every winter. Chasing their feeding areas can be unpredictable, so we focus on their loafing/roosting areas near the barrier islands for all-day consistency. We only offer one camp each conservation season to avoid burning the roost.

    Starting at $1,000 per hunter
    3-day hunt

  • Virginia Mixed Bird Camp

    Clapper Rail, Teal, Goose, and Dove are all THICK in September, and you’ll have a good chance to harvest limits of each over this 3-day hunt. Upgrade with planted pheasant over our Brittanys and you’ll be guaranteed some world-class wingshooting. Bring your wives/kids to enjoy miles of beaches all to themselves.

    Starting at $750 per hunter / $200 per observer
    3-day hunt

  • Virginia Upland Bird Camp

    Come get a taste of what upland bird hunting used to be like in the Old Dominion. We have world class woodcock hunting in one of their densest migration bottlenecks. These wild birds will be supplemented with flight-conditioned quail, chukar, and pheasant. Bring your dogs or hunt over our Brittanys.

    Starting at $750 per hunter
    2 to 3-day hunt
    [November - January]

  • Virginia Youth Turkey Camp

    Our farm has solid turkey hunting, having produced several toms approaching the 2” spur mark. 2 year toms are as close to a sure thing as you’ll get, and we only offer one camp to keep it that way. That’s what makes this a great youth or apprentice opportunity for these cagey birds.

    Starting at $1,500 for (1) hunter and (1) observer
    3-day hunt

  • Virginia Cull Buck Camp

    We’re very particular about our deer hunting, and some years we don’t have any trophy-class bucks on quota. But there are always some crazy cull/management bucks running around that need to be harvested. Our region has the highest deer density we’ve seen, so come help us keep our herd healthy by filling your freezer.

    Starting at $1000 per hunter
    3-day hunt
    [October - December]