Bespoke Adventures

We offer much more than just our established camps. Check out our additional free range hunts below.

If you are looking for a specific destination, species, or hunting style, then contact us for a free consultation. We’ll work up a quote to fit your budget.

Free Range Sampler

  • Africa: fallow deer, plains game, cape buffalo

  • Argentina: red stag, quail

  • Australia: hog deer, sambar, rusa, and more

  • England: muntjac, chinese water deer, roe deer

  • Greenland: musk-ox, caribou

  • Sweden: capercaillie, fox, beaver

Expeditionary Camp

We offer one (1) camp per year to uncharted waters, because it’s not really exploring if you’ve been there before. We can outfit just about any adventure, anywhere and will bring to bear our logistical expertise to keep Murphy’s Law to a minimum. We further discount the camp rate to account for inevitable trial-run hiccups.

The Hunting Buddy

AKA “Rent-a-Sherpa”. This is our lowest service level for DIY hunters who need backup when friends can’t pull through. If you don’t want to risk going solo, a member of the Blue Marlin Expeditions team will accompany you at-cost when possible. Depending on state guide laws, compensated assistance may not be permitted. Still reach out to us, as for certain tags we may work pro bono just to experience the hunt!