
Home Camp

Join the Blue Marlin team in our home waters of Virginia, where largest estuary in the United States meets the convergence of the Labrador Current and the Gulf Stream. This unique geography provides something for everyone: from the low-visibility Chesapeake Bay to clear offshore waters; from skindiving in the hot summer to 7mils in the frigid spring & fall; from hunting rocks and pilings to open water drifting. We have places we like to spear better, but in 15+ years of diving we’ve yet to find spearing that rivals the volume and efficiency of Virginia. We’re also home to the world-record (spearing) sheepshead at 17.4 lbs (kudos Todd Elder).

I’ll be blunt - not many people can handle the low visibility of the inshore spots where we fill coolers the fastest. The murk might seem scary, but it can also be a hunter’s best friend in an ambush setting. Your camouflage blends better and the fish are already in range by the time they can see you. Moreover, there has never been a documented attack on a freediving spearo in Virginia. How many other states or countries can say the same?

If you need at least 15 feet of visibility, don’t worry. We have plenty of spots that average 15-25 ft with solid action. Better yet, our offshore scene is poised to explode over the next decade. Two experimental wind turbines installed in 2020 showed great promise (honestly they were overhyped and overfished). Today, an additional 90 foundations have been installed to prepare for over 150 total turbines 24-42 miles offshore in depths of 90 - 270 feet. By 2026, we’ll boast more structure than can ever be overfished!

We’re chomping at the bit to host some truly expert spearos. We know our limitations and will never claim to be the most technical divers. That’s why we focus on overall camp experience and safety for beginner-advanced divers. But for those performing at the next level, we have the hunting techniques and spots to produce world-class results. If your group can dive to 100 ft and has experience hunting big pelagics in strong currents, then let us work up a promotional package that will prove we’re a sleeper state for spearing.

Quick unsolicited plug for our favorite spearfishing gear and fellow Virginia company: Mako Spearguns. Mako has radically lowered the cost of entry for spearos by cutting out dive shop middle-men. Over the years, they converted skeptics by proving their products are equal to or better than any of the fancy European brands. While every spearo ought to have a Riffe, there’s nothing you can’t do with a Mako. We’re grateful for all they’ve done to make spearfishing more affordable.

Inshore: Spadefish, Sheepshead, Tautog, Flounder, Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel, Triggerfish, Striped Bass
Nearshore: Cobia, Amberjack, Almaco, False Albacore, Black Seabass, Barracuda
Offshore: Mahi, Yellowfin, Wahoo
Extras: Mussels, Oysters, Clams, Blue Crab, Shrimp

*In-house gyotaku included - x1 print of your biggest fish

Starting at $875 per diver inshore ; $1250 offshore
2+ day camps, 2-diver minimum
[April - November]

Est airfare: $150-350
Est tip: $150-200